this script is to illustrate the consistency between starTracer and FilterMarker
the result after filterMarker, we choose the top 5 marker genes for each cluster:
out.PFC.filt <- starTracer::filterMarker(x = snRNA.hpfc.sct,
ident.use = "major_clust",
num = 5)
## getting dgCMatrix from object
## calculating gathering result
## calculating expression info
## We found 5 marker genes for cluster: Astro,Oligo,LAMP5_NOS1,OPC,L2-3_CUX2,L5-6_TLE4,Micro,L5-6_THEMIS,SST,PV_SCUBE3,VIP,ID2,PV,L4_RORB,Vas
## starTracer found 5 marker genes in cluster: Astro,Oligo,LAMP5_NOS1,OPC,L2-3_CUX2,L5-6_TLE4,Micro,L5-6_THEMIS,SST,PV_SCUBE3,VIP,ID2,PV,L4_RORB,Vas, for clusters PN_dev starTracer found 0 marker genes.
frame.filt <- out.PFC.filt$marker.frame
frame.filt <- select(frame.filt,cluster,gene, avg_log2FC, pct.pos)
## # A tibble: 75 × 4
## cluster gene avg_log2FC pct.pos
## <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Astro Emx2 1.41 0.902
## 2 Astro Papln 1.77 0.899
## 3 Astro Slc14a1 1.71 0.882
## 4 Astro Nfatc4 0.823 0.882
## 5 Astro Pygm 0.548 0.882
## 6 Oligo Klk6 0.925 0.964
## 7 Oligo Prima1 1.22 0.953
## 8 Oligo Ermn 1.44 0.946
## 9 Oligo Nkx6-2 1.25 0.946
## 10 Oligo Gjb1 0.640 0.945
## # … with 65 more rows
we include genes with p.adjusted value less than 0.05. Marker genes are then arranged by avg_foldchange: note that we first include top 20 genes in each cluster as these genes may be shared by multiple clusters. To insure yielding 5 marker genes in each cluster after removing such duplication, we include 20 genes.
#including the top 20 genes of Seurat's result
gene.seurat <- subset(out.brain.Seurat,out.brain.Seurat$p_val_adj < 0.05)
gene.seurat <- arrange(gene.seurat,cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
gene.seurat <- with(gene.seurat,by(gene.seurat[,"gene"],INDICES = cluster,FUN = function(x)head(x,20))) %>% unlist() %>% as.vector() %>% rev()
#generating the matrix of the marker genes
frame.seurat <- out.brain.Seurat[,c("cluster","gene","avg_log2FC")] %>% subset(out.brain.Seurat$gene %in% gene.seurat)
frame.seurat <- arrange(frame.seurat,gene,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[!duplicated(frame.seurat$gene),] %>% arrange(cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
#finding the top 5 marker genes in each cluster
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>% #按照cluster列进行分组
top_n(5, wt = avg_log2FC) %>% #按照FC列从大到小排序,选择每组前5行
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table()
## .
## Astro Oligo LAMP5_NOS1 OPC L2-3_CUX2 L5-6_TLE4
## 5 5 5 5 5 5
## 5 5 5 5 5 5
## PV L4_RORB Vas PN_dev
## 5 5 5 0
#calculating the specificity level of Seurat
frame.seurat <- cal_spe(snRNA.hpfc.sct,ident.use = "major_clust",
## cluster gene avg_log2FC pct.pos
## 1 Astro Slc1a2 5.480720 0.284341729
## 2 Astro Gpc5 4.957582 0.377946418
## 3 Astro Hpse2 4.177952 0.529110936
## 4 Astro Slc4a4 3.922193 0.383148448
## 5 Astro Slc1a3 3.732490 0.265336290
## 6 Oligo St18 4.759271 0.772773240
## 7 Oligo Plp1 4.597798 0.752325759
## 8 Oligo Rnf220 4.575124 0.661486352
## 9 Oligo Ctnna3 4.233466 0.602961620
## 10 Oligo Mbp 4.176547 0.602069216
## 11 LAMP5_NOS1 Fgf13 4.080893 0.025596529
## 12 LAMP5_NOS1 Unc5d 3.248616 0.011481950
## 13 LAMP5_NOS1 Ptprt 3.077178 0.013079933
## 14 LAMP5_NOS1 Pdgfd 3.056775 0.047288503
## 15 LAMP5_NOS1 Myo16 3.030795 0.023892894
## 16 OPC Lhfpl3 5.040760 0.253117020
## 17 OPC Tnr 4.227935 0.161946818
## 18 OPC Pcdh15 4.112117 0.228098725
## 19 OPC Vcan 3.766387 0.477781092
## 20 OPC Ptprz1 3.631523 0.203212460
## 21 L2-3_CUX2 Cbln2 3.039206 0.574445240
## 22 L2-3_CUX2 Cux2 2.801899 0.510708144
## 23 L2-3_CUX2 Kcnip4 2.716387 0.168966389
## 24 L2-3_CUX2 Ldb2 2.703965 0.332365311
## 25 L2-3_CUX2 Hs6st3 2.657526 0.294060542
## 26 L5-6_TLE4 Hs3st4 3.511130 0.060675676
## 27 L5-6_TLE4 Asic2 3.423103 0.036764706
## 28 L5-6_TLE4 Htr2c 2.137621 0.097633136
## 29 L5-6_TLE4 Olfm3 2.088341 0.061197917
## 30 L5-6_TLE4 Ryr2 2.085110 0.032796661
## 31 Micro Apbb1ip 4.420732 0.551773050
## 32 Micro St6gal1 4.359377 0.204894515
## 33 Micro Dock8 4.353930 0.597151577
## 34 Micro P2ry12 3.905445 0.528429838
## 35 Micro Inpp5d 3.849866 0.504420661
## 36 L5-6_THEMIS Clstn2 2.900992 0.045155092
## 37 L5-6_THEMIS Nrg1 2.601541 0.041488949
## 38 L5-6_THEMIS Zfp804b 2.481906 0.046849758
## 39 L5-6_THEMIS Galnt14 2.215353 0.071462945
## 40 L5-6_THEMIS Erc2 2.174543 0.024935577
## 41 SST Grik1 4.494872 0.118820158
## 42 SST Robo2 3.113389 0.066098222
## 43 SST Etl4 3.077490 0.096439313
## 44 SST Sgcz 3.064211 0.072071191
## 45 SST Nxph1 2.901057 0.167428475
## 46 PV_SCUBE3 Cntn5 4.545029 0.013959649
## 47 PV_SCUBE3 Dpp10 3.397631 0.008140709
## 48 PV_SCUBE3 Alk 3.317869 0.023780594
## 49 PV_SCUBE3 Sdk1 3.094766 0.015495985
## 50 PV_SCUBE3 Car8 2.884532 0.044618529
## 51 VIP Synpr 3.043661 0.154689642
## 52 VIP Galntl6 3.006653 0.085560935
## 53 VIP Slc24a3 2.342765 0.111785973
## 54 VIP Rgs12 2.315500 0.082802548
## 55 VIP Vwc2l 2.228861 0.234921817
## 56 ID2 Reln 4.344527 0.174474960
## 57 ID2 Adarb2 3.899625 0.054311840
## 58 ID2 Inpp4b 3.085062 0.074331246
## 59 ID2 Fstl5 3.036329 0.108388772
## 60 ID2 Cxcl14 2.931708 0.232990506
## 61 PV Btbd11 3.111933 0.161655255
## 62 PV Zfp804a 2.906055 0.072614388
## 63 PV Kcnc2 2.803040 0.064637443
## 64 PV Erbb4 2.715471 0.027371726
## 65 PV Cntnap2 2.444995 0.030250461
## 66 L4_RORB Il1rapl2 3.175775 0.188160089
## 67 L4_RORB Tshz2 2.966674 0.162399793
## 68 L4_RORB Pou6f2 2.471191 0.129877267
## 69 L4_RORB Fstl4 2.465454 0.103232382
## 70 L4_RORB Cpne4 2.451890 0.122004357
## 71 Vas Flt1 4.278392 0.041095890
## 72 Vas Ebf1 4.173325 0.242774566
## 73 Vas Colec12 3.987983 0.024793388
## 74 Vas Cobll1 3.828993 0.034664657
## 75 Vas Atp10a 3.714229 0.041292639
first, we will generate the matrix of starTracer
frame.pct.pos <- data.frame(cluster = frame.filt$cluster,pct.filt = frame.filt$pct.pos,pct.seurat = frame.seurat$pct.pos)
## cluster pct.filt pct.seurat
## 1 Astro 0.902 0.284341729
## 2 Astro 0.899 0.377946418
## 3 Astro 0.882 0.529110936
## 4 Astro 0.882 0.383148448
## 5 Astro 0.882 0.265336290
## 6 Oligo 0.964 0.772773240
## 7 Oligo 0.953 0.752325759
## 8 Oligo 0.946 0.661486352
## 9 Oligo 0.946 0.602961620
## 10 Oligo 0.945 0.602069216
## 11 LAMP5_NOS1 0.149 0.025596529
## 12 LAMP5_NOS1 0.135 0.011481950
## 13 LAMP5_NOS1 0.103 0.013079933
## 14 LAMP5_NOS1 0.093 0.047288503
## 15 LAMP5_NOS1 0.079 0.023892894
## 16 OPC 0.776 0.253117020
## 17 OPC 0.772 0.161946818
## 18 OPC 0.772 0.228098725
## 19 OPC 0.756 0.477781092
## 20 OPC 0.708 0.203212460
## 21 L2-3_CUX2 0.864 0.574445240
## 22 L2-3_CUX2 0.814 0.510708144
## 23 L2-3_CUX2 0.801 0.168966389
## 24 L2-3_CUX2 0.769 0.332365311
## 25 L2-3_CUX2 0.762 0.294060542
## 26 L5-6_TLE4 0.248 0.060675676
## 27 L5-6_TLE4 0.240 0.036764706
## 28 L5-6_TLE4 0.178 0.097633136
## 29 L5-6_TLE4 0.168 0.061197917
## 30 L5-6_TLE4 0.167 0.032796661
## 31 Micro 0.862 0.551773050
## 32 Micro 0.855 0.204894515
## 33 Micro 0.851 0.597151577
## 34 Micro 0.846 0.528429838
## 35 Micro 0.839 0.504420661
## 36 L5-6_THEMIS 0.268 0.045155092
## 37 L5-6_THEMIS 0.208 0.041488949
## 38 L5-6_THEMIS 0.165 0.046849758
## 39 L5-6_THEMIS 0.151 0.071462945
## 40 L5-6_THEMIS 0.114 0.024935577
## 41 SST 0.634 0.118820158
## 42 SST 0.575 0.066098222
## 43 SST 0.554 0.096439313
## 44 SST 0.466 0.072071191
## 45 SST 0.407 0.167428475
## 46 PV_SCUBE3 0.351 0.013959649
## 47 PV_SCUBE3 0.252 0.008140709
## 48 PV_SCUBE3 0.202 0.023780594
## 49 PV_SCUBE3 0.192 0.015495985
## 50 PV_SCUBE3 0.145 0.044618529
## 51 VIP 0.783 0.154689642
## 52 VIP 0.717 0.085560935
## 53 VIP 0.667 0.111785973
## 54 VIP 0.606 0.082802548
## 55 VIP 0.564 0.234921817
## 56 ID2 0.831 0.174474960
## 57 ID2 0.329 0.054311840
## 58 ID2 0.316 0.074331246
## 59 ID2 0.298 0.108388772
## 60 ID2 0.252 0.232990506
## 61 PV 0.576 0.161655255
## 62 PV 0.385 0.072614388
## 63 PV 0.372 0.064637443
## 64 PV 0.270 0.027371726
## 65 PV 0.239 0.030250461
## 66 L4_RORB 0.430 0.188160089
## 67 L4_RORB 0.419 0.162399793
## 68 L4_RORB 0.332 0.129877267
## 69 L4_RORB 0.310 0.103232382
## 70 L4_RORB 0.294 0.122004357
## 71 Vas 0.909 0.041095890
## 72 Vas 0.684 0.242774566
## 73 Vas 0.600 0.024793388
## 74 Vas 0.538 0.034664657
## 75 Vas 0.533 0.041292639
for each cluster, we calculate the mean levels of specificity. Then we can calculate the adjusted pct.pos from before and after filterMarker
#cal seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.seurat ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.seurat,each = 5)
#divide seurat.mean to get star.adk and seurat.adj
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.filt.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.filt/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
## cluster pct.filt pct.seurat pct.seurat.mean pct.seurat.adj pct.filt.adj
## 1 Astro 0.902 0.284341729 0.36797676 0.7727165 2.451242
## 2 Astro 0.899 0.377946418 0.36797676 1.0270932 2.443089
## 3 Astro 0.882 0.529110936 0.36797676 1.4378922 2.396890
## 4 Astro 0.882 0.383148448 0.36797676 1.0412300 2.396890
## 5 Astro 0.882 0.265336290 0.36797676 0.7210681 2.396890
## 6 Oligo 0.964 0.772773240 0.67832324 1.1392404 1.421151
## 7 Oligo 0.953 0.752325759 0.67832324 1.1090963 1.404935
## 8 Oligo 0.946 0.661486352 0.67832324 0.9751787 1.394615
## 9 Oligo 0.946 0.602961620 0.67832324 0.8889001 1.394615
## 10 Oligo 0.945 0.602069216 0.67832324 0.8875845 1.393141
## 11 LAMP5_NOS1 0.149 0.025596529 0.02426796 1.0547457 6.139782
## 12 LAMP5_NOS1 0.135 0.011481950 0.02426796 0.4731320 5.562890
## 13 LAMP5_NOS1 0.103 0.013079933 0.02426796 0.5389795 4.244279
## 14 LAMP5_NOS1 0.093 0.047288503 0.02426796 1.9485981 3.832213
## 15 LAMP5_NOS1 0.079 0.023892894 0.02426796 0.9845447 3.255321
## 16 OPC 0.776 0.253117020 0.26483122 0.9557673 2.930168
## 17 OPC 0.772 0.161946818 0.26483122 0.6115095 2.915064
## 18 OPC 0.772 0.228098725 0.26483122 0.8612985 2.915064
## 19 OPC 0.756 0.477781092 0.26483122 1.8040965 2.854648
## 20 OPC 0.708 0.203212460 0.26483122 0.7673282 2.673401
## 21 L2-3_CUX2 0.864 0.574445240 0.37610913 1.5273366 2.297206
## 22 L2-3_CUX2 0.814 0.510708144 0.37610913 1.3578723 2.164265
## 23 L2-3_CUX2 0.801 0.168966389 0.37610913 0.4492483 2.129701
## 24 L2-3_CUX2 0.769 0.332365311 0.37610913 0.8836938 2.044619
## 25 L2-3_CUX2 0.762 0.294060542 0.37610913 0.7818490 2.026008
## 26 L5-6_TLE4 0.248 0.060675676 0.05781362 1.0495049 4.289647
## 27 L5-6_TLE4 0.240 0.036764706 0.05781362 0.6359177 4.151271
## 28 L5-6_TLE4 0.178 0.097633136 0.05781362 1.6887567 3.078859
## 29 L5-6_TLE4 0.168 0.061197917 0.05781362 1.0585381 2.905890
## 30 L5-6_TLE4 0.167 0.032796661 0.05781362 0.5672826 2.888593
## 31 Micro 0.862 0.551773050 0.47733393 1.1559477 1.805864
## 32 Micro 0.855 0.204894515 0.47733393 0.4292478 1.791199
## 33 Micro 0.851 0.597151577 0.47733393 1.2510143 1.782819
## 34 Micro 0.846 0.528429838 0.47733393 1.1070444 1.772344
## 35 Micro 0.839 0.504420661 0.47733393 1.0567459 1.757679
## 36 L5-6_THEMIS 0.268 0.045155092 0.04597846 0.9820922 5.828816
## 37 L5-6_THEMIS 0.208 0.041488949 0.04597846 0.9023561 4.523857
## 38 L5-6_THEMIS 0.165 0.046849758 0.04597846 1.0189500 3.588637
## 39 L5-6_THEMIS 0.151 0.071462945 0.04597846 1.5542699 3.284146
## 40 L5-6_THEMIS 0.114 0.024935577 0.04597846 0.5423317 2.479422
## 41 SST 0.634 0.118820158 0.10417147 1.1406209 6.086119
## 42 SST 0.575 0.066098222 0.10417147 0.6345137 5.519745
## 43 SST 0.554 0.096439313 0.10417147 0.9257747 5.318155
## 44 SST 0.466 0.072071191 0.10417147 0.6918515 4.473394
## 45 SST 0.407 0.167428475 0.10417147 1.6072392 3.907020
## 46 PV_SCUBE3 0.351 0.013959649 0.02119909 0.6585022 16.557312
## 47 PV_SCUBE3 0.252 0.008140709 0.02119909 0.3840122 11.887301
## 48 PV_SCUBE3 0.202 0.023780594 0.02119909 1.1217741 9.528709
## 49 PV_SCUBE3 0.192 0.015495985 0.02119909 0.7309739 9.056991
## 50 PV_SCUBE3 0.145 0.044618529 0.02119909 2.1047376 6.839915
## 51 VIP 0.783 0.154689642 0.13395218 1.1548124 5.845369
## 52 VIP 0.717 0.085560935 0.13395218 0.6387424 5.352656
## 53 VIP 0.667 0.111785973 0.13395218 0.8345215 4.979389
## 54 VIP 0.606 0.082802548 0.13395218 0.6181500 4.524002
## 55 VIP 0.564 0.234921817 0.13395218 1.7537737 4.210458
## 56 ID2 0.831 0.174474960 0.12889946 1.3535740 6.446885
## 57 ID2 0.329 0.054311840 0.12889946 0.4213504 2.552377
## 58 ID2 0.316 0.074331246 0.12889946 0.5766606 2.451523
## 59 ID2 0.298 0.108388772 0.12889946 0.8408784 2.311879
## 60 ID2 0.252 0.232990506 0.12889946 1.8075366 1.955012
## 61 PV 0.576 0.161655255 0.07130585 2.2670685 8.077878
## 62 PV 0.385 0.072614388 0.07130585 1.0183510 5.399276
## 63 PV 0.372 0.064637443 0.07130585 0.9064816 5.216963
## 64 PV 0.270 0.027371726 0.07130585 0.3838637 3.786505
## 65 PV 0.239 0.030250461 0.07130585 0.4242353 3.351758
## 66 L4_RORB 0.430 0.188160089 0.14113478 1.3331944 3.046733
## 67 L4_RORB 0.419 0.162399793 0.14113478 1.1506717 2.968793
## 68 L4_RORB 0.332 0.129877267 0.14113478 0.9202357 2.352361
## 69 L4_RORB 0.310 0.103232382 0.14113478 0.7314454 2.196482
## 70 L4_RORB 0.294 0.122004357 0.14113478 0.8644528 2.083115
## 71 Vas 0.909 0.041095890 0.07692423 0.5342386 11.816823
## 72 Vas 0.684 0.242774566 0.07692423 3.1560221 8.891867
## 73 Vas 0.600 0.024793388 0.07692423 0.3223092 7.799883
## 74 Vas 0.538 0.034664657 0.07692423 0.4506338 6.993895
## 75 Vas 0.533 0.041292639 0.07692423 0.5367963 6.928896
arrange the values by the mean of the values after filterMarker for plotting
#cal star.adj.mean to arrange the plot
frame.pct.pos$pct.filt.adj.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.filt.adj ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.filt.adj,each = 5)
frame.pct.pos <- arrange(frame.pct.pos,desc(pct.filt.adj.mean))
frame.pct.pos$cluster <- factor(frame.pct.pos$cluster,levels = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster))
## cluster pct.filt pct.seurat pct.seurat.mean pct.seurat.adj pct.filt.adj
## 1 PV_SCUBE3 0.351 0.013959649 0.02119909 0.6585022 16.557312
## 2 PV_SCUBE3 0.252 0.008140709 0.02119909 0.3840122 11.887301
## 3 PV_SCUBE3 0.202 0.023780594 0.02119909 1.1217741 9.528709
## 4 PV_SCUBE3 0.192 0.015495985 0.02119909 0.7309739 9.056991
## 5 PV_SCUBE3 0.145 0.044618529 0.02119909 2.1047376 6.839915
## 6 Vas 0.909 0.041095890 0.07692423 0.5342386 11.816823
## 7 Vas 0.684 0.242774566 0.07692423 3.1560221 8.891867
## 8 Vas 0.600 0.024793388 0.07692423 0.3223092 7.799883
## 9 Vas 0.538 0.034664657 0.07692423 0.4506338 6.993895
## 10 Vas 0.533 0.041292639 0.07692423 0.5367963 6.928896
## 11 PV 0.576 0.161655255 0.07130585 2.2670685 8.077878
## 12 PV 0.385 0.072614388 0.07130585 1.0183510 5.399276
## 13 PV 0.372 0.064637443 0.07130585 0.9064816 5.216963
## 14 PV 0.270 0.027371726 0.07130585 0.3838637 3.786505
## 15 PV 0.239 0.030250461 0.07130585 0.4242353 3.351758
## 16 SST 0.634 0.118820158 0.10417147 1.1406209 6.086119
## 17 SST 0.575 0.066098222 0.10417147 0.6345137 5.519745
## 18 SST 0.554 0.096439313 0.10417147 0.9257747 5.318155
## 19 SST 0.466 0.072071191 0.10417147 0.6918515 4.473394
## 20 SST 0.407 0.167428475 0.10417147 1.6072392 3.907020
## 21 VIP 0.783 0.154689642 0.13395218 1.1548124 5.845369
## 22 VIP 0.717 0.085560935 0.13395218 0.6387424 5.352656
## 23 VIP 0.667 0.111785973 0.13395218 0.8345215 4.979389
## 24 VIP 0.606 0.082802548 0.13395218 0.6181500 4.524002
## 25 VIP 0.564 0.234921817 0.13395218 1.7537737 4.210458
## 26 LAMP5_NOS1 0.149 0.025596529 0.02426796 1.0547457 6.139782
## 27 LAMP5_NOS1 0.135 0.011481950 0.02426796 0.4731320 5.562890
## 28 LAMP5_NOS1 0.103 0.013079933 0.02426796 0.5389795 4.244279
## 29 LAMP5_NOS1 0.093 0.047288503 0.02426796 1.9485981 3.832213
## 30 LAMP5_NOS1 0.079 0.023892894 0.02426796 0.9845447 3.255321
## 31 L5-6_THEMIS 0.268 0.045155092 0.04597846 0.9820922 5.828816
## 32 L5-6_THEMIS 0.208 0.041488949 0.04597846 0.9023561 4.523857
## 33 L5-6_THEMIS 0.165 0.046849758 0.04597846 1.0189500 3.588637
## 34 L5-6_THEMIS 0.151 0.071462945 0.04597846 1.5542699 3.284146
## 35 L5-6_THEMIS 0.114 0.024935577 0.04597846 0.5423317 2.479422
## 36 L5-6_TLE4 0.248 0.060675676 0.05781362 1.0495049 4.289647
## 37 L5-6_TLE4 0.240 0.036764706 0.05781362 0.6359177 4.151271
## 38 L5-6_TLE4 0.178 0.097633136 0.05781362 1.6887567 3.078859
## 39 L5-6_TLE4 0.168 0.061197917 0.05781362 1.0585381 2.905890
## 40 L5-6_TLE4 0.167 0.032796661 0.05781362 0.5672826 2.888593
## 41 ID2 0.831 0.174474960 0.12889946 1.3535740 6.446885
## 42 ID2 0.329 0.054311840 0.12889946 0.4213504 2.552377
## 43 ID2 0.316 0.074331246 0.12889946 0.5766606 2.451523
## 44 ID2 0.298 0.108388772 0.12889946 0.8408784 2.311879
## 45 ID2 0.252 0.232990506 0.12889946 1.8075366 1.955012
## 46 OPC 0.776 0.253117020 0.26483122 0.9557673 2.930168
## 47 OPC 0.772 0.161946818 0.26483122 0.6115095 2.915064
## 48 OPC 0.772 0.228098725 0.26483122 0.8612985 2.915064
## 49 OPC 0.756 0.477781092 0.26483122 1.8040965 2.854648
## 50 OPC 0.708 0.203212460 0.26483122 0.7673282 2.673401
## 51 L4_RORB 0.430 0.188160089 0.14113478 1.3331944 3.046733
## 52 L4_RORB 0.419 0.162399793 0.14113478 1.1506717 2.968793
## 53 L4_RORB 0.332 0.129877267 0.14113478 0.9202357 2.352361
## 54 L4_RORB 0.310 0.103232382 0.14113478 0.7314454 2.196482
## 55 L4_RORB 0.294 0.122004357 0.14113478 0.8644528 2.083115
## 56 Astro 0.902 0.284341729 0.36797676 0.7727165 2.451242
## 57 Astro 0.899 0.377946418 0.36797676 1.0270932 2.443089
## 58 Astro 0.882 0.529110936 0.36797676 1.4378922 2.396890
## 59 Astro 0.882 0.383148448 0.36797676 1.0412300 2.396890
## 60 Astro 0.882 0.265336290 0.36797676 0.7210681 2.396890
## 61 L2-3_CUX2 0.864 0.574445240 0.37610913 1.5273366 2.297206
## 62 L2-3_CUX2 0.814 0.510708144 0.37610913 1.3578723 2.164265
## 63 L2-3_CUX2 0.801 0.168966389 0.37610913 0.4492483 2.129701
## 64 L2-3_CUX2 0.769 0.332365311 0.37610913 0.8836938 2.044619
## 65 L2-3_CUX2 0.762 0.294060542 0.37610913 0.7818490 2.026008
## 66 Micro 0.862 0.551773050 0.47733393 1.1559477 1.805864
## 67 Micro 0.855 0.204894515 0.47733393 0.4292478 1.791199
## 68 Micro 0.851 0.597151577 0.47733393 1.2510143 1.782819
## 69 Micro 0.846 0.528429838 0.47733393 1.1070444 1.772344
## 70 Micro 0.839 0.504420661 0.47733393 1.0567459 1.757679
## 71 Oligo 0.964 0.772773240 0.67832324 1.1392404 1.421151
## 72 Oligo 0.953 0.752325759 0.67832324 1.1090963 1.404935
## 73 Oligo 0.946 0.661486352 0.67832324 0.9751787 1.394615
## 74 Oligo 0.946 0.602961620 0.67832324 0.8889001 1.394615
## 75 Oligo 0.945 0.602069216 0.67832324 0.8875845 1.393141
## pct.filt.adj.mean
## 1 10.774046
## 2 10.774046
## 3 10.774046
## 4 10.774046
## 5 10.774046
## 6 8.486273
## 7 8.486273
## 8 8.486273
## 9 8.486273
## 10 8.486273
## 11 5.166476
## 12 5.166476
## 13 5.166476
## 14 5.166476
## 15 5.166476
## 16 5.060887
## 17 5.060887
## 18 5.060887
## 19 5.060887
## 20 5.060887
## 21 4.982375
## 22 4.982375
## 23 4.982375
## 24 4.982375
## 25 4.982375
## 26 4.606897
## 27 4.606897
## 28 4.606897
## 29 4.606897
## 30 4.606897
## 31 3.940975
## 32 3.940975
## 33 3.940975
## 34 3.940975
## 35 3.940975
## 36 3.462852
## 37 3.462852
## 38 3.462852
## 39 3.462852
## 40 3.462852
## 41 3.143535
## 42 3.143535
## 43 3.143535
## 44 3.143535
## 45 3.143535
## 46 2.857669
## 47 2.857669
## 48 2.857669
## 49 2.857669
## 50 2.857669
## 51 2.529497
## 52 2.529497
## 53 2.529497
## 54 2.529497
## 55 2.529497
## 56 2.417000
## 57 2.417000
## 58 2.417000
## 59 2.417000
## 60 2.417000
## 61 2.132360
## 62 2.132360
## 63 2.132360
## 64 2.132360
## 65 2.132360
## 66 1.781981
## 67 1.781981
## 68 1.781981
## 69 1.781981
## 70 1.781981
## 71 1.401692
## 72 1.401692
## 73 1.401692
## 74 1.401692
## 75 1.401692
mat.use <- reshape2::melt(frame.pct.pos[,c(1,5,6)])
## Using cluster as id variables
(p <- ggbarplot(mat.use, x = "cluster", y = "value", add = c("mean_se"),color = "variable",fill = "white",palette = c("#fcdc57","dark red"),
position = position_dodge(0.8)) + stat_compare_means(aes(group = variable), label = "p.signif",method = "t.test") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1)))
out.heart.filt <- starTracer::filterMarker(x = heart_big,
ident.use = "cell_type__ontology_label",
num = 5)
frame.filt <- out.heart.filt$marker.frame
frame.filt <- select(frame.filt,cluster,gene, avg_log2FC, pct.pos)
## # A tibble: 65 × 4
## cluster gene avg_log2FC pct.pos
## <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cardiac muscle cell HSPB3 0.523 0.999
## 2 cardiac muscle cell HSPB7 1.16 0.998
## 3 cardiac muscle cell SMPX 1.12 0.998
## 4 cardiac muscle cell LINC01954 1.54 0.998
## 5 cardiac muscle cell AC002057.2 0.829 0.998
## 6 fat cell PCK1 1.18 0.936
## 7 fat cell ADIPOQ-AS1 1.06 0.933
## 8 fat cell ADIPOQ 3.13 0.933
## 9 fat cell CIDEC 1.77 0.909
## 10 fat cell PLIN1 2.86 0.874
## # … with 55 more rows
#including the top 20 genes of Seurat's result
gene.seurat <- subset(heart_big.Seurat,heart_big.Seurat$p_val_adj < 0.05)
gene.seurat <- arrange(gene.seurat,cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
gene.seurat <- with(gene.seurat,by(gene.seurat[,"gene"],INDICES = cluster,FUN = function(x)head(x,20))) %>% unlist() %>% as.vector() %>% rev()
#generating the matrix of the marker genes
frame.seurat <- heart_big.Seurat[,c("cluster","gene","avg_log2FC")] %>% subset(heart_big.Seurat$gene %in% gene.seurat)
frame.seurat <- arrange(frame.seurat,gene,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[!duplicated(frame.seurat$gene),] %>% arrange(cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
#finding the top 5 marker genes in each cluster
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>% #按照cluster列进行分组
top_n(5, wt = avg_log2FC) %>% #按照FC列从大到小排序,选择每组前5行
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table()
## .
## cardiac muscle cell fat cell
## 5 5
## macrophage endocardial cell
## 5 5
## cardiac ventricle fibroblast cardiac endothelial cell
## 5 5
## cardiac neuron endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel
## 5 5
## vascular associated smooth muscle cell pericyte cell
## 5 5
## mast cell lymphocyte
## 5 5
## mesothelial cell
## 5
#calculating the specificity level of Seurat (here we should use cal_pctpos, otherwise the results will be wrong.)
frame.seurat <- cal_pctpos(heart_big,ident.use = "cell_type__ontology_label",
## getting dgCMatrix from object
## calculating gathering result
## calculating expression info
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'cell_type__ontology_label'. You can
## override using the `.groups` argument.
## cluster gene avg_log2FC pct.pos
## 1 cardiac muscle cell RYR2 6.500125 0.811
## 2 cardiac muscle cell TTN 6.076185 0.786
## 3 cardiac muscle cell FGF12 5.598094 0.975
## 4 cardiac muscle cell SORBS2 5.399656 0.911
## 5 cardiac muscle cell TTN-AS1 5.261100 0.874
## 6 fat cell GPAM 4.456875 0.178
## 7 fat cell ACACB 3.768680 0.026
## 8 fat cell PDE3B 3.508428 0.033
## 9 fat cell TMEM132C 3.359539 0.130
## 10 fat cell LINC00598 3.357553 0.119
## 11 macrophage F13A1 5.491663 0.868
## 12 macrophage RBPJ 4.450230 0.304
## 13 macrophage MRC1 4.337762 0.847
## 14 macrophage RBM47 4.151512 0.884
## 15 macrophage CD163 3.969400 0.914
## 16 endocardial cell NRG1 5.035721 0.226
## 17 endocardial cell LINC02388 4.714143 0.131
## 18 endocardial cell PKHD1L1 4.565855 0.469
## 19 endocardial cell AC020637.1 3.875186 0.131
## 20 endocardial cell ADAMTSL1 3.862765 0.138
## 21 cardiac ventricle fibroblast DCN 4.270147 0.923
## 22 cardiac ventricle fibroblast NEGR1 4.260118 0.874
## 23 cardiac ventricle fibroblast ACSM3 4.129375 0.837
## 24 cardiac ventricle fibroblast BICC1 3.953330 0.875
## 25 cardiac ventricle fibroblast CDH19 3.678982 0.902
## 26 cardiac endothelial cell VWF 4.349443 0.818
## 27 cardiac endothelial cell PIK3R3 4.189585 0.511
## 28 cardiac endothelial cell ANO2 4.101193 0.816
## 29 cardiac endothelial cell ST6GALNAC3 3.977434 0.705
## 30 cardiac endothelial cell LDB2 3.829827 0.553
## 31 cardiac neuron NRXN1 6.993441 0.364
## 32 cardiac neuron XKR4 6.268396 0.450
## 33 cardiac neuron CADM2 4.854013 0.124
## 34 cardiac neuron NRXN3 4.552645 0.070
## 35 cardiac neuron KIRREL3 4.491211 0.136
## 36 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel MMRN1 3.917387 0.677
## 37 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel SEMA3A 3.486745 0.125
## 38 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel AL357507.1 3.470161 0.075
## 39 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel GPM6A 3.462596 0.374
## 40 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel RELN 3.121926 0.223
## 41 vascular associated smooth muscle cell MYH11 4.195502 0.255
## 42 vascular associated smooth muscle cell ZFHX3 3.419977 0.061
## 43 vascular associated smooth muscle cell NTRK3 3.373406 0.483
## 44 vascular associated smooth muscle cell CARMN 3.344995 0.129
## 45 vascular associated smooth muscle cell ITGA8 3.099863 0.307
## 46 pericyte cell GUCY1A2 4.052020 0.708
## 47 pericyte cell EGFLAM 3.922886 0.782
## 48 pericyte cell DLC1 3.618893 0.191
## 49 pericyte cell RGS5 3.606787 0.735
## 50 pericyte cell ABCC9 3.537733 0.307
## 51 mast cell SLC24A3 5.495358 0.110
## 52 mast cell NTM 5.430806 0.104
## 53 mast cell KIT 5.033447 0.510
## 54 mast cell IL18R1 5.010671 0.118
## 55 mast cell CPA3 4.540015 0.825
## 56 lymphocyte SKAP1 4.471021 0.670
## 57 lymphocyte PTPRC 4.008349 0.270
## 58 lymphocyte THEMIS 3.961787 0.833
## 59 lymphocyte CD247 3.934955 0.658
## 60 lymphocyte AOAH 3.676797 0.212
## 61 mesothelial cell SLC39A8 5.236098 0.020
## 62 mesothelial cell C3 4.702693 0.010
## 63 mesothelial cell AC083837.1 4.676874 0.019
## 64 mesothelial cell CEMIP 4.277572 0.002
## 65 mesothelial cell WWC1 4.196452 0.053
frame.pct.pos <- data.frame(cluster = frame.filt$cluster,pct.filt = frame.filt$pct.pos,pct.seurat = frame.seurat$pct.pos)
## cluster pct.filt pct.seurat
## 1 cardiac muscle cell 0.9988837 0.811
## 2 cardiac muscle cell 0.9984708 0.786
## 3 cardiac muscle cell 0.9984135 0.975
## 4 cardiac muscle cell 0.9983669 0.911
## 5 cardiac muscle cell 0.9982444 0.874
## 6 fat cell 0.9355386 0.178
## 7 fat cell 0.9326861 0.026
## 8 fat cell 0.9325738 0.033
## 9 fat cell 0.9094412 0.130
## 10 fat cell 0.8738428 0.119
## 11 macrophage 0.9737773 0.868
## 12 macrophage 0.9684022 0.304
## 13 macrophage 0.9626516 0.847
## 14 macrophage 0.9553298 0.884
## 15 macrophage 0.9531663 0.914
## 16 endocardial cell 0.6039005 0.226
## 17 endocardial cell 0.5087369 0.131
## 18 endocardial cell 0.4689078 0.469
## 19 endocardial cell 0.3619917 0.131
## 20 endocardial cell 0.2995041 0.138
## 21 cardiac ventricle fibroblast 0.9737996 0.923
## 22 cardiac ventricle fibroblast 0.9631058 0.874
## 23 cardiac ventricle fibroblast 0.9600514 0.837
## 24 cardiac ventricle fibroblast 0.9579284 0.875
## 25 cardiac ventricle fibroblast 0.9550053 0.902
## 26 cardiac endothelial cell 0.8957628 0.818
## 27 cardiac endothelial cell 0.8909054 0.511
## 28 cardiac endothelial cell 0.8895384 0.816
## 29 cardiac endothelial cell 0.8832083 0.705
## 30 cardiac endothelial cell 0.8814115 0.553
## 31 cardiac neuron 0.8373752 0.364
## 32 cardiac neuron 0.7362110 0.450
## 33 cardiac neuron 0.7007348 0.124
## 34 cardiac neuron 0.6357616 0.070
## 35 cardiac neuron 0.6068013 0.136
## 36 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel 0.8060960 0.677
## 37 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel 0.6768943 0.125
## 38 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel 0.5981254 0.075
## 39 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel 0.5739130 0.374
## 40 endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel 0.5004115 0.223
## 41 vascular associated smooth muscle cell 0.6832740 0.255
## 42 vascular associated smooth muscle cell 0.5640234 0.061
## 43 vascular associated smooth muscle cell 0.5102112 0.483
## 44 vascular associated smooth muscle cell 0.5021017 0.129
## 45 vascular associated smooth muscle cell 0.4935132 0.307
## 46 pericyte cell 0.8628503 0.708
## 47 pericyte cell 0.8292884 0.782
## 48 pericyte cell 0.7894353 0.191
## 49 pericyte cell 0.7815931 0.735
## 50 pericyte cell 0.7810399 0.307
## 51 mast cell 0.8498350 0.110
## 52 mast cell 0.8251691 0.104
## 53 mast cell 0.8151076 0.510
## 54 mast cell 0.8107715 0.118
## 55 mast cell 0.7859091 0.825
## 56 lymphocyte 0.9072495 0.670
## 57 lymphocyte 0.9023913 0.270
## 58 lymphocyte 0.9000000 0.833
## 59 lymphocyte 0.8822702 0.658
## 60 lymphocyte 0.8645651 0.212
## 61 mesothelial cell 0.5084746 0.020
## 62 mesothelial cell 0.3604651 0.010
## 63 mesothelial cell 0.2792793 0.019
## 64 mesothelial cell 0.2764228 0.002
## 65 mesothelial cell 0.2348112 0.053
#cal seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.seurat ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.seurat,each = 5)
#divide seurat.mean to get star.adj and seurat.adj
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.filt.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.filt/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
#cal filt.adj.mean to arrange the plot
frame.pct.pos$pct.filt.adj.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.filt.adj ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.filt.adj,each = 5)
frame.pct.pos <- arrange(frame.pct.pos,desc(pct.filt.adj.mean))
frame.pct.pos$cluster <- factor(frame.pct.pos$cluster,levels = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster))
mat.use <- reshape2::melt(frame.pct.pos[,c(1,5,6)])
## Using cluster as id variables
(p <- ggbarplot(mat.use, x = "cluster", y = "value", add = c("mean_se"),color = "variable",fill = "white",palette = c("#fcdc57","dark red"),
position = position_dodge(0.8)) + stat_compare_means(aes(group = variable), label = "p.signif",method = "t.test") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1)))
out.kidney.filt <- starTracer::filterMarker(x = sc_kidney,
ident.use = "cell_type__ontology_label",
num = 5)
## getting dgCMatrix from object
## calculating gathering result
## calculating expression info
## We found 5 marker genes for cluster: proximal convoluted tubule,renal beta-intercalated cell,thick ascending limb of loop of Henle,proximal straight tubule,distal convoluted tubule,kidney interstitial cell,endothelial cell,renal connecting tubule,renal alpha-intercalated cell,renal principal cell,kidney epithelial cell,glomerular visceral epithelial cell,kidney tubule cell
frame.filt <- out.kidney.filt$marker.frame
frame.filt <- select(frame.filt,cluster,gene, avg_log2FC, pct.pos)
## # A tibble: 65 × 4
## cluster gene avg_log2FC pct.pos
## <fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 proximal convoluted tubule Bnc2 0.646 0.832
## 2 proximal convoluted tubule Etv1 0.500 0.819
## 3 proximal convoluted tubule Cml3 0.533 0.812
## 4 proximal convoluted tubule Slc13a3 0.729 0.804
## 5 proximal convoluted tubule G6pc 0.600 0.799
## 6 renal beta-intercalated cell Hmx2 1.15 0.825
## 7 renal beta-intercalated cell Insrr 2.09 0.779
## 8 renal beta-intercalated cell Slc26a4 2.70 0.653
## 9 renal beta-intercalated cell Gm12121 1.07 0.635
## 10 renal beta-intercalated cell Slc4a9 2.45 0.578
## # … with 55 more rows
#including the top 20 genes of Seurat's result
gene.seurat <- subset(out.kidney.Seurat,out.kidney.Seurat$p_val_adj < 0.05)
gene.seurat <- arrange(gene.seurat,cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
gene.seurat <- with(gene.seurat,by(gene.seurat[,"gene"],INDICES = cluster,FUN = function(x)head(x,300))) %>% unlist() %>% as.vector() %>% rev()
#generating the matrix of the marker genes
frame.seurat <- out.kidney.Seurat[,c("cluster","gene","avg_log2FC")] %>% subset(out.kidney.Seurat$gene %in% gene.seurat)
frame.seurat <- arrange(frame.seurat,gene,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[!duplicated(frame.seurat$gene),] %>% arrange(cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
#finding the top 5 marker genes in each cluster
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>% #按照cluster列进行分组
top_n(5, wt = avg_log2FC) %>% #按照FC列从大到小排序,选择每组前5行
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table()
## .
## proximal convoluted tubule renal beta-intercalated cell
## 5 5
## thick ascending limb of loop of Henle proximal straight tubule
## 5 5
## distal convoluted tubule kidney interstitial cell
## 5 5
## endothelial cell renal connecting tubule
## 5 5
## renal alpha-intercalated cell renal principal cell
## 5 5
## kidney epithelial cell glomerular visceral epithelial cell
## 0 5
## kidney tubule cell
## 5
#calculating the specificity level of Seurat
frame.seurat <- cal_spe(sc_kidney,ident.use = "cell_type__ontology_label",
## cluster gene avg_log2FC pct.pos
## 1 proximal convoluted tubule Ass1 0.7977545 0.7523092713
## 2 proximal convoluted tubule Gm5424 0.7340004 0.7615974183
## 3 proximal convoluted tubule Slc13a3 0.7285109 0.8040141677
## 4 proximal convoluted tubule Glis1 0.7120794 0.7881794651
## 5 proximal convoluted tubule Cyp4b1 0.7001688 0.7400981997
## 6 renal beta-intercalated cell Slc26a4 2.7000022 0.6527027027
## 7 renal beta-intercalated cell Slc4a9 2.4505567 0.5775656325
## 8 renal beta-intercalated cell Lsamp 2.0880429 0.1700000000
## 9 renal beta-intercalated cell Insrr 2.0850130 0.7788697789
## 10 renal beta-intercalated cell Tmem117 1.8914783 0.1769369369
## 11 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle Slc12a1 1.3675012 0.5090491970
## 12 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle Egf 1.0717783 0.3401506997
## 13 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle Erbb4 1.0377491 0.3278769841
## 14 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle Enox1 0.9822033 0.5253496503
## 15 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle Casr 0.9247946 0.5616438356
## 16 proximal straight tubule Cyp7b1 1.1658098 0.4406374502
## 17 proximal straight tubule Mep1b 0.7591253 0.6064441887
## 18 proximal straight tubule Fgf1 0.7208294 0.2814417178
## 19 proximal straight tubule Rnf24 0.7052920 0.4003868472
## 20 proximal straight tubule Aadat 0.6237110 0.3095836826
## 21 distal convoluted tubule Slc12a3 1.7719445 0.3400576369
## 22 distal convoluted tubule Trpm6 1.7316988 0.5338582677
## 23 distal convoluted tubule Abca13 1.3102502 0.3137053227
## 24 distal convoluted tubule Klhl3 1.2023035 0.3884436946
## 25 distal convoluted tubule Tsc22d1 1.1199377 0.3112607557
## 26 kidney interstitial cell Cfh 1.9680627 0.4752475248
## 27 kidney interstitial cell Tshz2 1.8469893 0.2668896321
## 28 kidney interstitial cell Gm2163 1.6857648 0.6218678815
## 29 kidney interstitial cell Prkg1 1.5105461 0.1964711493
## 30 kidney interstitial cell Pde3a 1.4663921 0.5903083700
## 31 endothelial cell Adgrl4 1.5675646 0.4009900990
## 32 endothelial cell Meis2 1.5094758 0.2144955926
## 33 endothelial cell Emcn 1.4978285 0.3277486911
## 34 endothelial cell Plpp1 1.4946007 0.3046471601
## 35 endothelial cell Flt1 1.4042938 0.2503546099
## 36 renal connecting tubule Slc8a1 1.7988526 0.3149466192
## 37 renal connecting tubule Calb1 1.5095695 0.4119749777
## 38 renal connecting tubule Phactr1 1.4856703 0.3815468114
## 39 renal connecting tubule AI838599 1.4195251 0.5042313117
## 40 renal connecting tubule Slc2a9 1.2771562 0.5478901541
## 41 renal alpha-intercalated cell Aqp6 1.7513498 0.6518218623
## 42 renal alpha-intercalated cell Rcan2 1.6175144 0.2441860465
## 43 renal alpha-intercalated cell Kit 1.4067170 0.6533864542
## 44 renal alpha-intercalated cell Clnk 1.3893767 0.3756476684
## 45 renal alpha-intercalated cell Bmpr1b 1.3761364 0.1600566572
## 46 renal principal cell Mgat4c 2.0599192 0.3336244541
## 47 renal principal cell Frmpd4 1.7582055 0.2063197026
## 48 renal principal cell Fxyd4 1.7439609 0.3766859345
## 49 renal principal cell Scnn1b 1.3854806 0.2283950617
## 50 renal principal cell Col26a1 1.2879773 0.4856512141
## 51 glomerular visceral epithelial cell Srgap1 2.6162360 0.0785219400
## 52 glomerular visceral epithelial cell Synpo 2.5551251 0.1868131868
## 53 glomerular visceral epithelial cell Robo2 2.5189427 0.0384615385
## 54 glomerular visceral epithelial cell Gm29266 2.4039946 0.0567375887
## 55 glomerular visceral epithelial cell Thsd7a 2.3832154 0.0426439232
## 56 kidney tubule cell Ispd 1.2946169 0.0006788866
## 57 kidney tubule cell Thsd4 1.2907358 0.0021436227
## 58 kidney tubule cell Ttll6 1.2614032 0.0011217050
## 59 kidney tubule cell Ier2 1.2465328 0.0000000000
## 60 kidney tubule cell Abca16 1.2165080 0.0000000000
#we should notice that by assigning genes into clusters using the value of avg_log2FC, we have 0 marker genes for epithelial cells
frame.filt <- subset(frame.filt,frame.filt$cluster %in% frame.seurat$cluster)
frame.pct.pos <- data.frame(cluster = frame.filt$cluster,pct.filt = frame.filt$pct.pos,pct.seurat = frame.seurat$pct.pos)
## cluster pct.filt pct.seurat
## 1 proximal convoluted tubule 0.832 0.7523092713
## 2 proximal convoluted tubule 0.819 0.7615974183
## 3 proximal convoluted tubule 0.812 0.8040141677
## 4 proximal convoluted tubule 0.804 0.7881794651
## 5 proximal convoluted tubule 0.799 0.7400981997
## 6 renal beta-intercalated cell 0.825 0.6527027027
## 7 renal beta-intercalated cell 0.779 0.5775656325
## 8 renal beta-intercalated cell 0.653 0.1700000000
## 9 renal beta-intercalated cell 0.635 0.7788697789
## 10 renal beta-intercalated cell 0.578 0.1769369369
## 11 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle 0.697 0.5090491970
## 12 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle 0.619 0.3401506997
## 13 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle 0.562 0.3278769841
## 14 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle 0.562 0.5253496503
## 15 thick ascending limb of loop of Henle 0.552 0.5616438356
## 16 proximal straight tubule 0.606 0.4406374502
## 17 proximal straight tubule 0.457 0.6064441887
## 18 proximal straight tubule 0.441 0.2814417178
## 19 proximal straight tubule 0.428 0.4003868472
## 20 proximal straight tubule 0.418 0.3095836826
## 21 distal convoluted tubule 0.534 0.3400576369
## 22 distal convoluted tubule 0.528 0.5338582677
## 23 distal convoluted tubule 0.461 0.3137053227
## 24 distal convoluted tubule 0.433 0.3884436946
## 25 distal convoluted tubule 0.404 0.3112607557
## 26 kidney interstitial cell 0.668 0.4752475248
## 27 kidney interstitial cell 0.622 0.2668896321
## 28 kidney interstitial cell 0.598 0.6218678815
## 29 kidney interstitial cell 0.590 0.1964711493
## 30 kidney interstitial cell 0.530 0.5903083700
## 31 endothelial cell 0.405 0.4009900990
## 32 endothelial cell 0.401 0.2144955926
## 33 endothelial cell 0.399 0.3277486911
## 34 endothelial cell 0.365 0.3046471601
## 35 endothelial cell 0.334 0.2503546099
## 36 renal connecting tubule 0.548 0.3149466192
## 37 renal connecting tubule 0.504 0.4119749777
## 38 renal connecting tubule 0.496 0.3815468114
## 39 renal connecting tubule 0.495 0.5042313117
## 40 renal connecting tubule 0.412 0.5478901541
## 41 renal alpha-intercalated cell 0.653 0.6518218623
## 42 renal alpha-intercalated cell 0.652 0.2441860465
## 43 renal alpha-intercalated cell 0.376 0.6533864542
## 44 renal alpha-intercalated cell 0.331 0.3756476684
## 45 renal alpha-intercalated cell 0.247 0.1600566572
## 46 renal principal cell 0.486 0.3336244541
## 47 renal principal cell 0.377 0.2063197026
## 48 renal principal cell 0.334 0.3766859345
## 49 renal principal cell 0.311 0.2283950617
## 50 renal principal cell 0.299 0.4856512141
## 51 glomerular visceral epithelial cell 0.515 0.0785219400
## 52 glomerular visceral epithelial cell 0.395 0.1868131868
## 53 glomerular visceral epithelial cell 0.261 0.0384615385
## 54 glomerular visceral epithelial cell 0.187 0.0567375887
## 55 glomerular visceral epithelial cell 0.154 0.0426439232
## 56 kidney tubule cell 0.014 0.0006788866
## 57 kidney tubule cell 0.013 0.0021436227
## 58 kidney tubule cell 0.012 0.0011217050
## 59 kidney tubule cell 0.011 0.0000000000
## 60 kidney tubule cell 0.009 0.0000000000
#cal seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.seurat ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.seurat,each = 5)
#divide seurat.mean to get star.adj and seurat.adj
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.filt.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.filt/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
#cal filt.adj.mean to arrange the plot
frame.pct.pos$pct.filt.adj.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.filt.adj ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.filt.adj,each = 5)
frame.pct.pos <- arrange(frame.pct.pos,desc(pct.filt.adj.mean))
frame.pct.pos$cluster <- factor(frame.pct.pos$cluster,levels = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster))
mat.use <- reshape2::melt(frame.pct.pos[,c(1,5,6)])
## Using cluster as id variables
(p <- ggbarplot(mat.use, x = "cluster", y = "value", add = c("mean_se"),color = "variable",fill = "white",palette = c("#fcdc57","dark red"),
position = position_dodge(0.8)) + stat_compare_means(aes(group = variable), label = "p.signif",method = "t.test") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1)))
DimPlot(snRNA_PN,cols = rev(viridis::mako(length(unique(snRNA_PN$sub_clust)))))
Idents(snRNA_PN) <- snRNA_PN$sub_clust
out.markers.PN.seurat <- FindAllMarkers(snRNA_PN,only.pos = T,logfc.threshold = 0.5)
## p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj cluster gene
## Serpine2 0 1.604872 0.823 0.372 0 L2_CUX2_LAMP5 Serpine2
## Cbln2 0 1.570557 0.978 0.660 0 L2_CUX2_LAMP5 Cbln2
## Pdzd2 0 1.355468 0.993 0.856 0 L2_CUX2_LAMP5 Pdzd2
## Gnal 0 1.287271 0.866 0.455 0 L2_CUX2_LAMP5 Gnal
## Rasgrf2 0 1.236217 0.968 0.737 0 L2_CUX2_LAMP5 Rasgrf2
## Cux2 0 1.190806 0.977 0.562 0 L2_CUX2_LAMP5 Cux2
arrange data
# select genes with p less than 0.05
gene.seurat <- subset(out.markers.PN.seurat,out.markers.PN.seurat$p_val_adj < 0.05)
# arrange genes according to log2FC
gene.seurat <- arrange(gene.seurat,cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))$gene
gene.seurat %>% head()
## [1] "Serpine2" "Cbln2" "Pdzd2" "Thsd7a" "Gnal" "Rasgrf2"
modify data
# create data for plotting
frame.seurat <- out.markers.PN.seurat[,c("cluster","gene","avg_log2FC")] %>% subset(out.markers.PN.seurat$gene %in% gene.seurat)
frame.seurat <- arrange(frame.seurat,gene,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[!duplicated(frame.seurat$gene),] %>% arrange(cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
# for comparing data
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
top_n(5, wt = avg_log2FC) %>%
# for plotting data
frame.seurat.3 <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
top_n(3, wt = avg_log2FC) %>%
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table()
## .
## 5 5 5 5
## 5 5 5 5
## L4_RORB_MET L4_RORB_dev-1 L4_RORB_MME L2-3_CUX2_dev-1
## 5 5 5 5
## L2-3_CUX2_dev-5 L2-3_CUX2_dev-3 L2_CUX2_LAMP5_dev
## 5 5 5
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table() %>% table()
## .
## 5
## 15
colors.gradient <- c("#13c4cd","#ffffff","#b91192")
(p <- DotPlot(
assay = "RNA",
features = rev(frame.seurat.3$gene),
#cols = c("white", "red"), #replaced with scale color function
col.min = -2.5,
col.max = 2.5,
dot.min = 0,
dot.scale = 2,
idents = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
cluster.idents = FALSE,
scale = TRUE, = "radius",
scale.min = NA,
scale.max = NA
) + coord_flip() + scale_colour_gradient2(low = colors.gradient[1],mid = colors.gradient[2], high = colors.gradient[3]) +
ggthemes::theme_few() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 8),axis.ticks = element_blank(),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)))
## Scale for colour is already present.
## Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.
out.marker.PN.filt <- starTracer::filterMarker(x = snRNA_PN,
ident.use = "sub_clust",
num = 3)
## getting dgCMatrix from object
## calculating gathering result
## calculating expression info
## We found 3 marker genes for cluster: L2_CUX2_LAMP5,L5-6_TLE4_SORCS1,L3_CUX2_PRSS12,L5-6_THEMIS_CNR1,L5-6_TLE4_SCUBE1,L5-6_TLE4_HTR2C,L5-6_THEMIS_NTNG2,L4_RORB_LRRK1,L4_RORB_MET,L4_RORB_dev-1,L4_RORB_MME,L2-3_CUX2_dev-1,L2-3_CUX2_dev-5,L2-3_CUX2_dev-3,L2_CUX2_LAMP5_dev
out.marker.PN.filt.res <- out.marker.PN.filt$marker.frame
colors.gradient <- c("#1ca9d5","#ffffff","#ea905e")
(p <- DotPlot(
assay = "RNA",
features = rev(out.marker.PN.filt$marker.frame$gene),
#cols = c("white", "red"), #replaced with scale color function
col.min = -2.5,
col.max = 2.5,
dot.min = 0,
dot.scale = 2,
idents = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
cluster.idents = FALSE,
scale = TRUE, = "radius",
scale.min = NA,
scale.max = NA
) + coord_flip() + scale_colour_gradient2(low = colors.gradient[1],mid = colors.gradient[2], high = colors.gradient[3]) +
ggthemes::theme_few() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 8),axis.ticks = element_blank(),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)))
## Scale for colour is already present.
## Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.
#6 plot with PFC
Idents(snRNA.hpfc.sct) <- snRNA.hpfc.sct$major_clust
out.marker.PFC.filt <- starTracer::filterMarker(x = snRNA.hpfc.sct,
ident.use = "sub_clust",
num = 3)
## getting dgCMatrix from object
## calculating gathering result
## calculating expression info
## We found 3 marker genes for cluster: Astro,Oligo,LAMP5_NOS1,OPC,L2-3_CUX2,L5-6_TLE4,Micro,L5-6_THEMIS,SST,PV_SCUBE3,VIP,ID2,PV,L4_RORB,Vas
## starTracer found 3 marker genes in cluster: Astro,Oligo,LAMP5_NOS1,OPC,L2-3_CUX2,L5-6_TLE4,Micro,L5-6_THEMIS,SST,PV_SCUBE3,VIP,ID2,PV,L4_RORB,Vas, for clusters PN_dev starTracer found 0 marker genes.
out.marker.PFC.filt.res <- out.marker.PFC.filt$marker.frame
colors.gradient <- c("#1ca9d5","#ffffff","#ea905e")
(p <- DotPlot(
assay = "RNA",
features = rev(out.marker.PFC.filt$marker.frame$gene),
#cols = c("white", "red"), #replaced with scale color function
col.min = -2.5,
col.max = 2.5,
dot.min = 0,
dot.scale = 2,
idents = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
cluster.idents = FALSE,
scale = TRUE, = "radius",
scale.min = NA,
scale.max = NA
) + coord_flip() + scale_colour_gradient2(low = colors.gradient[1],mid = colors.gradient[2], high = colors.gradient[3]) +
ggthemes::theme_few() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 8),axis.ticks = element_blank(),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)))
## Scale for colour is already present.
## Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.
gene.seurat <- subset(out.brain.Seurat,out.brain.Seurat$p_val_adj < 0.05)
gene.seurat <- arrange(gene.seurat,cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))$gene
gene.seurat %>% head()
## [1] "Slc1a2" "Gpc5" "Hpse2" "Slc4a4" "Slc1a3" "Col5a3"
frame.seurat <- out.brain.Seurat[,c("cluster","gene","avg_log2FC")] %>% subset(out.brain.Seurat$gene %in% gene.seurat)
frame.seurat <- arrange(frame.seurat,gene,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[!duplicated(frame.seurat$gene),] %>% arrange(cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>% #按照cluster列进行分组
top_n(5, wt = avg_log2FC) %>% #按照FC列从大到小排序,选择每组前2行
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table()
## .
## Astro Oligo LAMP5_NOS1 OPC L2-3_CUX2 L5-6_TLE4
## 5 5 5 5 5 5
## 5 5 5 5 5 5
## PV L4_RORB Vas PN_dev
## 5 5 5 0
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table() %>% table()
## .
## 0 5
## 1 15
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[,c("cluster","gene")]
frame.seurat <- cal_spe(snRNA.hpfc.sct,ident.use = "major_clust",
for star
out.marker.PFC.filt.res <- starTracer::filterMarker(x = snRNA.hpfc.sct,
ident.use = "sub_clust",
num = 5)$marker.frame
## getting dgCMatrix from object
## calculating gathering result
## calculating expression info
## We found 5 marker genes for cluster: Astro,Oligo,LAMP5_NOS1,OPC,L2-3_CUX2,L5-6_TLE4,Micro,L5-6_THEMIS,SST,PV_SCUBE3,VIP,ID2,PV,L4_RORB,Vas
## starTracer found 5 marker genes in cluster: Astro,Oligo,LAMP5_NOS1,OPC,L2-3_CUX2,L5-6_TLE4,Micro,L5-6_THEMIS,SST,PV_SCUBE3,VIP,ID2,PV,L4_RORB,Vas, for clusters PN_dev starTracer found 0 marker genes. <- out.marker.PFC.filt.res[,c("cluster","gene")] <- cal_spe(snRNA.hpfc.sct,ident.use = "major_clust", <- subset(,$cluster %in% frame.seurat$cluster)
## [1] TRUE
frame.pct.pos <- data.frame(cluster =$cluster, =$pct.pos,pct.seurat = frame.seurat$pct.pos)
#cal seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.seurat ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.seurat,each = 5)
#divide seurat.mean to get star.adk and seurat.adj
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$ <- frame.pct.pos$$pct.seurat.mean
#cal star.adj.mean to arrange the plot
frame.pct.pos$ <- rep(aggregate( ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$,each = 5)
frame.pct.pos <- arrange(frame.pct.pos,desc(
frame.pct.pos$cluster <- factor(frame.pct.pos$cluster,levels = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster))
p <- c()
foldchange <- c()
for (i in unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster)){
mat <- subset(frame.pct.pos,cluster == i)
t1 <- mat$
t2 <- mat$pct.seurat
p.i <- t.test(t1,t2)$p.value
foldchange.i <- mean(mat$$pct.seurat)
foldchange <- append(foldchange,foldchange.i)
p <- append(p,p.i)
frame.pct.pos.stat <- data.frame(cluster = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster),p = p, foldchange = foldchange)
mat.use <- reshape2::melt(frame.pct.pos[,c(1,5,6)])
## Using cluster as id variables
(p <- ggbarplot(mat.use, x = "cluster", y = "value", add = c("mean_se"),color = "variable",fill = "white",palette = c("#fcdc57","blue"),
position = position_dodge(0.8)) + stat_compare_means(aes(group = variable), label = "p.signif") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1)))