We will use major_clust
as the Ident.
When inputting a Seurat object, please make sure that your object have run the following method:
snRNA.hpfc.sct$major_clust %>% table()
#snRNA.hpfc.sct <- FindVariableFeatures(snRNA.hpfc.sct,nfeatures = 3000)
(p <- DimPlot(snRNA.hpfc.sct,group.by = "major_clust") + scale_color_manual(values = colors.brain) + theme_void())
We set thresh.1
= 0.5 (by
= 0.3, num
= 2.
Explanations of parameters:
: The threshold to decide a cluster goes to the
group where it might become a positive marker or group where it might be
a negative marker, for each gene included.thresh.2
: The threshold to filter out the lowest
thresh.2 (by percentage) in each group after assigning genes into
: The number of marker genes in the output matrix
for each cluster#using HVG
Idents(snRNA.hpfc.sct) <- snRNA.hpfc.sct$major_clust
t.Star <- c()
for(i in 1:10){
print(paste0("calculating time:",i))
t1 <- Sys.time()
starTracer::searchMarker(snRNA.hpfc.sct,thresh.1 = 0.5,thresh.2 = 0.3,method = "del_MI",num = 2,gene.use = "HVG")
t2 <- Sys.time()
t <- t2-t1 #10.99338/10.1306 secs 12.34614/12.43914/11.35643 for HVG
t.Star <- append(t.Star,t)
t.Star.brain <- t.Star
#save(t.Star.brain,file = "./out/f1_brain/t.Star.brain.new.Rdata")
#using ALL genes
t.Star <- c()
for(i in 1:10){
print(paste0("calculating time:",i))
t1 <- Sys.time()
starTracer::searchMarker(snRNA.hpfc.sct,thresh.1 = 0.5,thresh.2 = 0.3,method = "del_MI",num = 2)
t2 <- Sys.time()
t <- t2-t1 #10.99338/10.1306 secs 12.34614/12.43914/11.35643 for HVG
t.Star <- append(t.Star,t)
t.Star.brain.all <- t.Star
#save(t.Star.brain,file = "./out/f1_brain/t.Star.brain.all.new.Rdata")
Let’s see the results of executing time
We choose the top 3 marker genes when performing visualization
Note that: the value of
will NOT influence the calculation speed significantly. BecausesearchMarker
calculates all the potential marker genes and only output the topN marker for each cluster specified by the user bynum
We run searchMarker
again by setting num
3 for visualization.
out.brain.Star <- starTracer::searchMarker(snRNA.hpfc.sct,thresh.1 = 0.5,thresh.2 = 0.3,method = "del_MI",num = 3,gene.use = "HVG")
(p <- use_dotplot(snRNA.hpfc.sct,features = out.brain.Star$genes.markers, colors.gradient = c("#018daa","#ffffff","#ed463a")))
Here we will find markers again from all genes detected in the during the sequencing:
out.brain.Star.all <- starTracer::searchMarker(snRNA.hpfc.sct,thresh.1 = 0.5,thresh.2 = 0.8,method = "del_MI",num = 3)
(p <- use_dotplot(snRNA.hpfc.sct,features = out.brain.Star.all$genes.markers, colors.gradient = c("#018daa","#ffffff","#ed463a")))
(p <- use_dotplot(snRNA.hpfc.sct,features = out.brain.Star.all$genes.markers, colors.gradient = c("#018daa","#ffffff","#ed463a")))
t.Seurat.brain <- c()
for(i in 1:11){
if(i <= 10){
print(paste0("calculating time:",i))
t1 <- Sys.time()
FindAllMarkers(snRNA.hpfc.sct,logfc.threshold = 0.5,only.pos = T)
t2 <- Sys.time()
t <- t2-t1 #10.99338/10.1306 secs 12.34614/12.43914/11.35643 for HVG
t.Seurat.brain <- append(t.Seurat.brain,t)
} else {
out.brain.Seurat <- FindAllMarkers(snRNA.hpfc.sct,logfc.threshold = 0.5,only.pos = T)
Let’s see the calculation time of Seurat
t.Seurat.brain # in minutes
t.Star.brain # in seconds
time.1 <- as.numeric(t.Seurat.brain) * 60
time.2 <- as.numeric(t.Star.brain)
time.3 <- as.numeric(t.Star.brain.all)
frame.time <- data.frame(starTracer.all = time.3, starTracer = time.2, Seurat = time.1)
frame.time$RunTime <- 1:10 %>% as.vector()
mat.use <- reshape2::melt(frame.time,id = "RunTime")
comparisons <- list(c("starTracer.all","starTracer"), c("starTracer.all", "Seurat"),
c("starTracer", "Seurat"))
(p <- ggbarplot(mat.use, x = "variable", y = "value", add = c("mean_se"),color = "variable",fill = "white",palette = c("#e3b802","#fcdc57","blue"),stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(0.8)) + stat_compare_means(method = "t.test",comparisons = comparisons) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1)))
(fc1 <- mean(time.1)/mean(time.2)) #185.2817
(fc2 <- mean(time.1)/mean(time.3)) #168.9358
t.test(time.1,time.2)$p.value #7.845196e-19
t.test(time.1,time.3)$p.value #8.640955e-19
t.test(time.2,time.3)$p.value #0.02561478
mean time of starTracer is 7.85s
while with all genes instead of just HVGs, the time is 3.86s
We will run the seachMarker
function again. This time we
choose to get 5 marker genes in each group. This result will be used to
calculate Ti in each cluster.
Ti is defined as
\[ T_i=\frac{\mathrm{card}\ \left(\mathrm{G}_\mathrm{i}\mathrm{\cap}\ \mathrm{G}_{\mathrm{clust}}\right)}{\mathrm{card}\left(\mathrm{G}_\mathrm{i}\right)} \]
Gi represents the set of the cells expressing gene i in-silico.
Gclust represents the set of cells where gene i serves as the in-silico marker gene.
Please refer to our original research article to see more details.
out.brain.Star.5 <- starTracer::searchMarker(snRNA.hpfc.sct,thresh.1 = 0.5,thresh.2 = 0.3,method = "del_MI",num = 5,gene.use = "HVG")
Calculating specificity level defined by Ti might be time consuming
especially for large data set. Ti is calculated by function
. Please refer to “function.R
” for more
frame.star <- subset(out.brain.Star.5$para_frame,out.brain.Star.5$para_frame$gene %in% out.brain.Star.5$genes.markers)[,c("max.X","gene")]
colnames(frame.star)[1] <- "cluster"
frame.star <- cal_spe(snRNA.hpfc.sct,ident.use = "major_clust",frame.star)
check the results of frame.star
frame.star %>% head()
Generating the frame of Seurat:
The reason we choose top 10 marker genes: The marker genes in the result of Seurat might be redundant, which means that a gene might be identified as a marker in more than one cluster. Some “marker” genes identified in one cluster might be in fact a better marker in another cluster. Thus, we will keep 10 marker genes to make sure each cluster has more than 5 marker genes. The number 10 is not compulsory.
The results of Seurat has already been calculated in Chap #2
We then re-arrange the marker genes’ data.frame. As for the genes that occur in more than one cluster, we will only keep it in the cluster that has the largest avg_log2FC.
frame.seurat <- out.brain.Seurat[,c("cluster","gene","avg_log2FC","p_val_adj")] %>% subset(p_val_adj < 0.05)
frame.seurat <- arrange(frame.seurat,gene,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[!duplicated(frame.seurat$gene),] %>% arrange(cluster,desc(avg_log2FC))
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>% #group by cluster
top_n(5, wt = avg_log2FC) %>% #arrange by FC
frame.seurat$cluster %>% table()
#We will choose the top 3 marker gene to visualize:
frame.seurat.p <- frame.seurat %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
top_n(3, wt = avg_log2FC) %>% #choose the top 3
frame.seurat.p$cluster %>% table()
Let’s check the results.
(p <- use_dotplot(snRNA.hpfc.sct,features = rev(frame.seurat.p$gene), colors.gradient = c("#13c4cd","#ffffff","#b91192"),dot.scale = 3))
Calculate the specificity level measured by Ti. Please refer to the self-defined functions for details.
frame.seurat <- frame.seurat[,c("cluster","gene")]
frame.seurat <- cal_spe(snRNA.hpfc.sct,ident.use = "major_clust",as.data.frame(frame.seurat))
save(frame.seurat,file = "./out/f1_brain/frame.seurat.Rdata")
Calculate the difference
frame.star <- subset(frame.star,frame.star$cluster %in% frame.seurat$cluster)
We use frame.pct.pos
to store the top 5 marker genes
specificity level from 2 algorithms and store the results in
frame.pct.pos <- data.frame(cluster = frame.star$cluster,pct.star = frame.star$pct.pos,pct.seurat = frame.seurat$pct.pos)
During the calculation, we will normalize the specificity level to Seurat, which means the mean specificity level will be 1. Meanwhile, only the top 5 marker gene in Seurat will be retained. More specifically:
We didn’t include the t-test result in our research even though most of the data shows a significant difference: The marker genes found by starTracer and Seurat are different genes identified by 2 different algorithm, which are not samples from some population, so, the H0 may not be defined.
frame.pct.pos <- data.frame(cluster = frame.star$cluster,pct.star = frame.star$pct.pos,pct.seurat = frame.seurat$pct.pos)
#cal seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.seurat ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.seurat,each = 5)
#divide seurat.mean to get star.adj and seurat.adj
frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
frame.pct.pos$pct.star.adj <- frame.pct.pos$pct.star/frame.pct.pos$pct.seurat.mean
#cal star.adj.mean to arrange the plot
frame.pct.pos$pct.star.adj.mean <- rep(aggregate(pct.star.adj ~ cluster, data = frame.pct.pos, FUN = mean)$pct.star.adj,each = 5)
frame.pct.pos <- arrange(frame.pct.pos,desc(pct.star.adj.mean))
frame.pct.pos$cluster <- factor(frame.pct.pos$cluster,levels = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster))
p <- c()
foldchange <- c()
for (i in unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster)){
mat <- subset(frame.pct.pos,cluster == i)
t1 <- mat$pct.star
t2 <- mat$pct.seurat
p.i <- t.test(t1,t2)$p.value
foldchange.i <- mean(mat$pct.star)/mean(mat$pct.seurat)
foldchange <- append(foldchange,foldchange.i)
p <- append(p,p.i)
frame.pct.pos.stat <- data.frame(cluster = unique(frame.pct.pos$cluster),p = p, foldchange = foldchange)
the specificity level measured by Ti
mat.use <- reshape2::melt(frame.pct.pos[,c(1,5,6)])
(p <- ggbarplot(mat.use, x = "cluster", y = "value", add = c("mean_se"),color = "variable",fill = "white",palette = c("#fcdc57","blue"),
position = position_dodge(0.8)) + stat_compare_means(aes(group = variable), label = "p.signif",methods = "wilcox") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1)))